Some comuter poetries

***2:46:40 pm Sunday, December 27, 1998
Philip K Dick suffers for a cosmological chasm that he pines

***3:07:00 pm Sunday, December 27, 1998
voice actress flies placidly
kindly, needlessly, photogenic
Look! a big garbage man

***4:46:33 pm Sunday, December 27, 1998
Just some free captors

***5:07:53 pm Sunday, December 27, 1998
Tell me, O ephemeral atheist, what's that over there?
Just some familiar realities

***5:09:37 pm Sunday, December 27, 1998
Tell me, O mechanic, what's that over there?
A mess, You fool!

***5:47:49 pm Sunday, December 27, 1998
Hey, perceptible mistress! what do you have there?
My chocolate televisions

***8:20:43 pm Sunday, December 27, 1998
this poem precludes a pure darkness
a tasty bagel transforms the cheap waste
an irreplaceable robot will storm the placid circularity

***9:34:56 pm Sunday, December 27, 1998
What's a mildew?
That's a bureaucrat

***2:13:46 pm Monday, December 28, 1998
neuropsychology will corroborate the religious faith

Written: Sunday, December 27, 1998 at 2:57:50 pm

capricious yogis reveal a summer
Philip K Dick fires forever.
Philip K Dick pesters

Philip K Dick stimulates. he overreaches angrily and noisily
he pre-empts
he brightens
he opposes
he rolls
he splashes

an abyss is a reminder of
the eminence.
