Mike Jittlov
The Wizard of Speed and Time!
A Fan Site by Tim Drage, updated 3/6/04-- news -- NEWSFLASH! - Mike Jittlov's incredible stop motion short Mouse Mania, originally made for Di$ney's 50's anniversary, has recently been released on DVD as part of the 'Walt Disney Treasures' series.
I'll hopefully have more info + a review here soon, but for now you can find out more via the Amazon link:Walt Disney Treasures - Mickey Mouse in Living Color Part 2
(Cheeky I know, but if Harry Knowles gets away with it why can't I! :) Anyway, boycott Di$ney!!!)
-- content --
- Nice 80's article about Mike Jittlov, now with scans as well as plain text version.
- Links
- More soon
-- anecdote -- On Saturday the 8th March 1998, I had the good fortune to chance upon a video, in Newport indoor market, of 'The Wizard of Speed and Time'. I had read about this film, and heard good things about it from my friend Keith, a veritable encyclopedia of obscure 80's movies. I purchased it for the wonderfully low price of three of my English Pounds. This was without doubt the best three pounds I ever spent! The film is amazing! It has some of the best animation and effects I've seen (and this before oft dodgy CGI reared it's unconvincingly bump-mapped head). Almost every shot of the film is a special effect! Watching the video on a regular basis helped me survive my animation course at college, and it continues to inspire me greatly.
I quickly discovered that Mike Jittlov, who made this Hollywood special effects movie almost single handedly, is an all round genius and a genuinely wonderful person! I phoned him from my college, and he told me all manner of interesting and useful things about filmmaking, Hollywood, evil producers, the origins of Star Wars and the Happy Face, and much much more. I also learned that WoSaT (as the film is often abbreviated) was alas never properly distributed and that Mike was ripped off by his producer who actually plays the evil producer in the movie.
I encourage you most strongly to watch his films, read his most entertaining usenet postings, download his ridiculously comprehensive mac font, and generally be amazed by his manifold fine works! And most importantly, if you are in a position to get the Wizard of Speed and Time TV/proper video distribution, do! This of all films needs a lavish special edition DVD.
These things can be accomplished by visiting the below listed sites, which will tell you all you need to know to get copies of his movies, read his writings, download the font, get signed posters and stuff, read info about the movie and even contact the great man himself!
-- links --
- Wizworld, Mike's own website!!! Most entertaining, and will be the best thing on the web when/if he uploads all the wonders promised here!
- Dowloadable movies! big thanks to Walt Sellers for putting these online:
If anyone else has any more clips of Jittlov's work online that they'd like me to link to, please let me know.
- http://www.virtualoutpost.com/MooVs/JittlovDemo.mov (be warned: 57mb! 32 minutes) - Mike Jittlov's demo reel! Includes his Di$ney shorts The Collector and Mouse Mania, various clips of other shorts, and even footage of Mike in zero gravity, all edited together very amusingly. Also includes the WOSAT trailer. (NOTE: Mac users may have trouble downloading; if it stalls with no bytes remaining but never finishes, just locate the file in the finder, duplicate it, and then go back and cancel the download. The duplicated version should open and play fine.)
- http://www.virtualoutpost.com/MooVs/WosatTrailer_large.mov (10.5mb, 2 minutes) - The Wizard of Speed and Time movie trailer: high quality version.
- http://www.virtualoutpost.com/MooVs/WosatTrailer_small.mov (3.5mb, 2 minutes) - The Wizard of Speed and Time movie trailer: lower quality version.
- WoSaT.Remulak.Net - Beldar's site, where the amongst other things the Jittlov font and WoSaT trailer can be found.
- Corgi's WoSaT page including the Wizdex which archives various Jittlovian texts...
- The Wizard of Speed and Time - nice site with various pics + info.. also the Star Wars fan-film "Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline" which features the voice of Mike...
- And of course the all-important newsgroup alt.fan.mike-jittov. If like me you have no proper usenet access you can read it here on google groups.
- "Mike Jittlov's NetWit", an exhaustive compendium of Mike's Usenet postings over the years, can be downloaded here: http://www.subgenius.com/bobapps/charity/JittlovNetWit.sit. A vast font of wisdom, much info about the making of Mike's films and more. Lots of ascii art too. Wow. To quote the Subgenius site page I found it on, "You might call this Jittlov's autobiography."
- The Webring of Speed and Time
- Internet Movie Database - Mike Jittlov
- Internet Movie Database - The Wizard of Speed and Time
- More very soon... please email your links + I'll add them...
- Spite Your Face Productions Ltd - not directly Jittlov-related; this is my animation company site, see what Wizardly inspiration has wrought.
Please do email me if you have any relevent links, info or questions, or if you spot any mistakes on the site. Also I'd love to add any cool Jittlovian text or images you might like to submit, thanks!