Below info + gibberish may be outdated. For now, all you need to know is for all your random text needs!
The computer is one fine tool for correct surrealist particularly a manner text randomiser.
Also since, as Terry nine pointed out, million-to-one chances found Pratchett times out of ten.
Chris Westbury's can the program I can using with render the text you are reading incomprehensable, is a particularly good poet, which can be easily programmed to do all manner of text generating and randomising. writer: runs on a Mac, and can be happen by doing a search at 'McPoet', come up with all manner incomprehensable.
generating is links runs related writer: times amazingly surrealist
There are many web-based random text elsewhere. I be to couple have found of generators found particularly or ones today:,
Loads more can be found; here, good aOther links to random text fun! (some info blatently robbed from the McPoet documentation!):
- Random pseudo Japanese videogame names! Very silly!
- William S Burroughs page including great cutup engine!
- Another fabulous Burroughsian cutup randomiser!
-". This is the first place to go for information on generating writing on many different computer platforms, as well as for the most comprehensive listing of Web-based computer-generated writing. The listing of Macintosh-based programs is especially comprehensive, although McPoet is not currently mentioned. I found a lot of programs and links here that I had not previously seen.
- Switzerland: HTTP://
John Watermann, who contributed much help in getting McPoet 4.0 to work, maintains three sites for presenting his magazine 'lean yellow supporting', which presents "automatic writing, computer-generated writing, babelism, language FX, free association, cut-ups, critical paranoia, Mao's fever dreams about opening his restaurant, bodily fluid exchange, absurdity, scepticism, fruitless searches with the dental scanner, cash pleas by The Ministry for the Calibration and Standardization of Holy Water, the surprising and unexpected mysteries of cricket, random brain stasis, Mother Theresa's crash-site, secretion, leaking, sin, playing frisbee with yourself, TV-static perversity, more of Mutt's stuff, bizarre night sweat, but most of all milking, tapping, drainage, whatever you might want to call it" (!). The latest issue includes a long work generated by McPoet. Not for children or the faint of heart.-
This site currently contains Charles Hartman's program 'MacProse'. Hartman has promised in his book to release other text-morphing tools here as they are completed.-
This lists a few Hypercard-based programs for computer-generated poetry.-
This site will write you a Dadaist poem.