Wannabe M.U.S.C.L.E
A not-quite-M.U.S.C.L.E found by Michael Leigh.
These guys think they're pretty hard! Thanks to Gerado Yepiz for these!
Strangely, I am not, and never have been, into wrestling itself! (M.U.S.C.L.E.s appeal to me came largely from theyr weirdness!) The marvellous imagery of wrestling however is a different matter. These things Gerado also sent are cool...check out his webpages (addresses on my mail art page), and send him art and stuff (especially stickers, pink panther and star wars things amongst others)! You too could get cool things in the post!! (that's what mail art is all about in case you were wondering! You send people nice stuff, and nice people send you stuff!! Or vice versa.)
Some other interesting wrestling/art stuff includes the infamous 'Andre the Giant' stickers and flyposters which have become a cult thing, and the wrestler paintings by great Pop Artist Peter Blake, which I may do M.U.S.C.L.E. art in the style of sometime!!!
The front and back of a M.U.S.C.L.E-like robot captured by Johnny Carwash...
...and another!
More info on this one!!
on your page of muscle wannabee's you have a picture of a little green robot with a cannon on his arm, i don't know if you know his or not, but it is a unpainted version of a little plastic Megatron (from Transformers), i have one like it but it is hollowed out so it could "sit" on the end of a pencil, they also made an optimus prime like this, but i think they were the only two, just thought you'd like to know.Thnaks!
NEW! A couple of little Dragonball Z figures along the lines of M.U.S.C.L.E./Kinnikuman!
A nice little M.U.S.C.L.Esque thing! Picture thanks to...uhh...:-s...sorry, I forgot! let me know if it was you, and I'll rectify the situation!
Nuclear scientists in Bulgaria claim that tests show M.U.S.C.L.E to be so great that many similar small plastic figures aspire to M.U.S.C.L.Eness. For example, the blue robot depicted at the top of this very page passed himself off as one, and, undiscovered by the untrained eye, smuggled himself to me via the medium of mail art.
If you are a small plastic toy who wishes to become an official Not-Quite-M.U.S.C.L.E, then please exert telepathic influence over the nearest human being or other intelligent life form and force them to employ email to send me a picture of your good self, or to arrange pysical transport of your meagre frame through the international postal services. Those who complete this epic quest will be honored for all eternity (well, some of it anyway) by being displayed here for all the world to see! (well, some of it anyway)
Even more insiduous than these M.U.S.C.L.E imitators are the truely obsessive artificial polymers who have conspired to mold themselves into the form of their M.U.S.C.L.E idols and infiltrate the gum machines of the western world: read all about it!
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