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Here are some of my favorite M.U.S.C.L.E. I'm not putting huge numbers of pictures of the figures here, (See Patrick Gresham's page for a huge picture selection) but I will display here some figures which I have something, however trivial, to say about.
I will add to/change this page (and indeed the others) occasionally. Or not. Email me and ask to be sent update info if you want.
Always one of my favorite figures, this fine red specimen provided by Ian and Karen Pender-Gunn! Thanks!!
Yay! A long lost M.U.S.C.L.E. with which I am reunited thanks to Patrick Gresham! There is something completely marvellous about this one, but I don't know exactly what. He has 'Lod' written on his head, and the letters 'I' and 'X' upon his chest. Assuming this a Roman numeral, there should be at least 8 other Lods, but there aren't.
The only remaining figure from my first ever pack! I know he is because I coloured the bottoms of that first ten's feet with red marker to indicate that they were mine. After that I realised this was a silly thing to do, so I stopped.
We used to call this one 'Baby Bash' despite the fact that he has 'Niku' written on his T-shirt. The 'baby' M.U.S.C.L.E were particularly highly valued amongst my M.U.S.C.L.E posse, probably due to their cuteness and rarity.
This spinner spins remarkably well, appearing almost motionless for a long time before falling over.
This was always one of my favorite M.U.S.C.L.E, dunno why.