Links indexI like films
Here are just a few:Talking of animation and stuff;
- Underman's 2001 is the finest 2001: A Space Odyssey site! Speaking of 2001, we made a Lego movie version!!!
Blade Runner : One of the best films in the history of filmkind, based (very loosely: the humanity of the replicants in the film for example being totally counter to the book's depiction of them) on Philip K Dick's remarkable book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. It is quite marvellous, and if you haven't seen it you should!!! (Make sure you watch the director's cut!!!!) If you have seen it, isn't it time you saw it again?? If you ever have a chance to see it at the cinema, DO! I just did!, at the rather fine Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle. It was an amazing experience, like seeing the film again for the first time! Fairly appropriately (to the book anyway), entropy had set in somewhat on the print I saw; it was quite scratchy, and had a few Projectionist's Cuts in there as well as the Director's ones, but it was amazing! There are so many things in there you can't even see on video! Wow! Visual stunningness and cinematic greatness all round! Best film ever made, apart from the other ones.
- The Wizard of Speed and Time, by the remarkable Mike Jittlov!!!: I discovered this film by chance, purchased it, and was astounded! My life is even happier now!! This film is really amazing!! I recently talked to Mike Jittlov on the phone, and he gave me all the advice and interesting ideas and info in the world! Well, most of it anyway :) ! I've got some links to stuff regarding the film here, as well as an article I found about Mike's work! Go there!
- As Tears Go By, Days of Being Wild, Chungking Express, Fallen Angels, and Happy Together by Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai. Absolutely stunning!
- TROMA! The most truely independent filmmakers around! Madness of the highest/lowest order!
- The Star Wars Trilogy!!!, of course! There are many starwars related sites, and I can't be bothered to give a huge list, but if you are interested (obsessed) by the marvelous original action figures, and other merchandise, visit the Star Wars Collector's Archive.
Speaking of Star Wars, a fine bit of fan-work is the entertaining and remarkably well made parody movie Troops. Definitely worth downloading!! It's home,, is a huge and really good Star Wars resource, with all manner of up to the minute news!- Oh, and I do like Episode One too.
- Films made with toys are good. The Prime Examples of this fine genre are my friend Tony's Adriens and Underpants Day. One is a light hearted parody of a Sci-Fi classic, the other a cutting satire of the hideous values of a piece of prime tripe created by a pair of amiable but deluded fools. You guess which is which. Clips of these fine productions may appear on this site one day. Gorgonzilla has also just been completed! If you really want to see these films, there is a possibility of us making some kind of deal to get you a copy.... In the mean time, you can glimpse the inner working of the Stange Mind of Tony Mines by reading about his Clockwork Orange dream. Anyway, back to Toy Films: At Moff Peter's Dominion, a page of pictures from Whoever Dies with the Most Toys Wins, a toy version of Star Wars, by some one called Alex (can't remember Alex who, I'll get back to you..) can be found! Other exponents of the cinema of playthings are the unshakable Adam and Joe, who have produced many fine productions for their Adam and Joe Show.
If you know of any other Toy Films, please let me know!!!!- Jan Svankmajer's new official website is here! Amazingly comprehensive, and cotaining info and pictures of his artwork previously never seen outside the Czech Republic. Usually utilising a mix of stop motion animation and live action, his brilliantly surreal, sinister and often funny films, such as his feature length Faust and Conspiritors of Pleasure and his many many shorts, have to be seen to believed!! So see them! And believe them! Is another page about him: can't remember what's there...
- Eraserhead, David Lynch's unbearably sinister surrealist masterpiece. And his other films too! Twin Peaks: Firewalk With Me is the scariest thing I have ever seen! His new film, The Straight Story is fabulous, and not at all scary.
- The Evil Dead Trilogy!!!!! They are absolutely Marvellous!! Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell are geniei, by all accounts! What mor kan I say? Evil Dead: a brilliantly directed, genuinely scary, groundbreaking low budget horror. Evil Dead II: The same again, but with more comedy and visceralness. A paticularly fine moment is Ash's fight with his own evil-posessed hand! Army of Darkness: Pure comedy, in a comedy hollywood medieval setting, with comedy deliberately poor special effects (finest moment of which being when a skeleton is thrown at Ash from off camera and he snaps it over his knee.), every line a comedy catchphrase to baffle/amuse/bore your friends with and a fine comedy performance from Bruce. Try to see if you can the vastly entertaining alternative ending in the shopping mall! Dead good. And, of course... Groovy.
- Starship Troopers!!! It is ultimately ironic, and most entertaining. And, I've no idea HOW it got a 15 certificate here in the UK, as it's the most graphically violent thing I've ever seen!!
- The Japanese animation cyberpunk masterpiece Akira. And all the other japanese animation masterpieces no-one has heard of, or even believes exist! (Fools!)...
- ....For example, all of Hayao Miyazaki's films, which are INCREDIBLY GOOD!!!!!! Some you may or may not have heard of, or possibly even seen hacked up dubbed (or even proper, I dunno) versions of, include Tonori No Totoro (AKA "My Neighbor Totoro"), Laputa (AKA "Laputa The Flying Island" or something), Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (AKA "Warriors of the Wind" - with about HALF AN HOUR cut out for NO REASON other than an patronisingly assumed short attention span of American kids!!!). All of Miyazaki's films are soon to be released, for better or for worse, by Di$ney......Hopefully this will be largely a good thing; because of Miyazaki's hugeness in Japan, he is in a good position to prevent Di$ney messing up the films too much, and if nothing else the deal will allow many people who would not usually watch anime to see some of the absolute finest!!!
- My own films/animations, which I make (sometimes even completing them) on video, computer and Super 8(visit Michael Nyberg's stonking Super-8 page for uber-inspiration!) film.
New! Now you can see some of my films!! Three tiny films constructed in an idle moment by my friends and I, for the express purpose of displaying on my webpage! Please take a few minutes to download them, I assure you they are like nothing you've ever seen before! More to come sooon(ish!)- If you're looking for all the latest movie news and rumours, go to Ain't it Cool News, of course!
- New! My 40's Fleischer Brothers Superman Page!! These cartoons are SO good! Some of the finest western cartoon animation I have seen!
- Another new page, on Mamoru Oshii's wonderful surreal anime Angel's Egg!
- Urusei Yatsura! One of The best anime series ever!! (out of the ones I've seen, anyway.) NEW! MY own little Urusei Yatsura Page!!! Not much here yet....but will one day be filled with only the weirdest UY stufff!!
- Speaking of anime, The Anime Pitstop, Manganet and the Anime Turnpike are good general anime/manga sites, and my own Anime and Manga Page isn't. Yet.
- Another favorite anime series is the 80's Japanese/French co-production Ulysees 31! There's surprisingly not that much abut this marvellous series on the net; if found a couple of sites though; The Ulysses 31 Information Resource Center and another one! I may do my own page someday. If you know where I can get hold of any episodes on video please let me know! There are quite a few websites to be found on Mysterious Cities of Gold, another great series by the same people! Look for them yourself!
- I've found a great site about stop motion model animation (of which I am a practicioner and fan) : Animation of Heaven and Hell in 3D has stuff about Svankmajer, the Quay Brothers, various old masters of the genre, and many more! Great site!
- A useful site for animation news and info of all kinds is Animation Nerds.
- Spumco; the people who made the original and superior episodes of The Ren & Stimpy Show, until Nickelodian actually watched an episode and took it off them. Allegedly. Anyway, their site is great, with loads of online cartoons and stuff! Really well designed!
Look!! Down there! A huge link to them, in return for one to me!:
Why do girls always fall for idiots?
Who can tell? Maybe those good folks at spumco!
- (Watch this space. If you can be bothered. I can't be bothered myself. I occasionally get round to looking for more sites about my favorite films, but for now, just look yourself! Tell me if you find anything good, or see any films you think I'd like!)